- Pier Francesco Cavalli
Missa concertata, Magnificat, sonates, antienne
Musiche sacre -Venise 1656-
Although Cavalli’s reputation remains linked to opera, his journey through the musical spheres of Saint Mark’s Basilica, starting as a soprano in the capella at the age of 14, naturally leads him to the position of maestro di capella in 1668. This activity engenders a corpus of sacred music that is no less interesting than his stage music.
The 1656 compilation includes a missa concertata, psalms, a Magnificat, antiphons, hymns and sonatas.
The vocal pieces are composed in a modern style: he mingles the use of a double choir with Monterverdi’s secunda prattica, employing a variety of combinations of sounds… for the glory of the Most Serene.
Akadêmia :
16 singers
14 instrumentalists
Françoise Lasserre, conductor