- Jean-Féry Rebel (1666-1747)
Les élémens
Le Chaos – Air pour les violins et les flutes : La Terre Et l’Eau – Chaconne : Le Feu – Ramage : L’Air – Rossignols – Tambourins 1 et 2 : L’Eau – Sicilienne – Rondeau – Caprice - Marin Marais (1656-1728)
Symphonies extraites d’Alcyone - Georg Philippe Telemann (1681-1767)
250ème anniversaire
Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55 :C3 « Hamburger Ebb un Fluth »
Ouverture – Sarabande : Die schlaffende Thetis – Bourrée : Die erwachende Thetis – Loure : Der verliebte Neptunus – Gavotte : Spielende Najaden – Harlequinade : Die schertzende Tritonus – Der stürmende Aeolus – Menuet : Der angenehme Zephir – Gigue : Ebbe und Fluth – Canarie : Die lustigen Bots Leute
When the 4 elements are in harmony, the universe is in balance, man is in good health. But with the squall, the sea rages, the earth trembles, hell opens up, and only divine intervention can restore order to the world.
The baroque musicians were to excel at describing gales, storms or earthquakes, just as they enjoyed depicting anger, madness, jealously, or despair.
Lebrun, Louis XIV’s official artist suggested a classification of the expressions of the passions of the soul, today we compare them to the elements of human temperament.
A dialogue can exist between the baroque body, its expressions and the modernity of pure, spatial gestures. We will rediscover this manner of mastering nature to reveal its harmony, a subtle reference to Le Nôtre for inspiring dreams of choreographic spaces.
Four dancers will interpret these Elements in a simple scenography based on the scenic relationship between the on-stage orchestra and the dance space.
Akadêmia :
Françoise Lasserre, conductor
Béatrice Massin (Compagnie Fêtes Galantes), choreographer
19 intrumentalists : 2 traversos, 2 recorders, 2 Oboes, Basson, strings, theorbo, harpsichord
4 dancers